Skyline's Style Shop offers affordable prices for secondhand clothing, shoes, and accessories for women, men, and children. The Style Shop also supports students who require formal attire.
Style Shop
Monday - Thursday: 9am-2pm
Friday: 9am-Noon
3rd Saturday of the Month: 9:00am-11:30am
Yolanda Chavez, Style Shop Manager
To contact the Style Shop, call (405) 601-7638 Ext. 108
The Skyline Style Shop is a store where people can find gently used items that have been donated. These items are available for purchase to meet various needs, such as job interviews, emergencies, or when it's challenging to find good quality clothing elsewhere. No matter the reason, patrons can expect a friendly and respectful environment.
Every item is priced between $1 and $5, and currently, only cash payments are accepted.
If someone is facing an emergency situation, they can bring a referral from a case manager, counselor, or social service worker to receive free clothing. In this case, they can receive 10 free items for every member of their household.