Skyline Circle of Support
You can invest in Skyline’s mission to bridge gaps in resources for our neighbors in need by joining the Skyline Circle of Support.
For as little as $42 per month, or just $500 per year, you can help provide valuable resources with kindness and respect. .
Skyline Circle of Support members are recognized for one full year on a wall display in the Skyline headquarters, on the website, and in our annual report. More importantly, Circle of Support members provide a family of 5 with meals for a month. We would love for you to join our Circle of Support.
2024 Circle of Support
$30,000 +
United Way of Central Oklahoma
St. Luke’s Methodist Church
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Love Meyer Family Foundation
Michelle Foster
$15,000 +
Roger and Barbara Bornemann
Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation
Joe and Karen Leonard
Woodworth Trust Committee
Kirkpatrick Family Fund
Gary and Patricia Bishop
Petree Fund Committee
Sarkeys Foundation
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation
Oklahoma United Methodist Conference
$10,000 +
Dr. Brad and Tina Carter
Oklahoma Methodist Foundation
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Enterprise Holdings
New Covenant Church
Janis Love and Dan Burdette
Chapel Hill United Methodist Church
Todd and Janae Clapp
$5,000 +
Lions Club of OKC Downtown
Neighbor for Neighbor Fund
Nancy Moore Strecker
Thomas N. Lynn Institute for Healthcare Research
Rev. David and Anna-Faye Rose
Emil and Karla Saroch
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
Wegener Foundation
J. Fran Parkhill
Janet Pitt
Alliance Steel
Bob and Nancy Anthony
Dortha R. Dever Legacy Fund
Express Employment Professionals
Oklahoma City Community Foundation
S. Kim and Suzette Hatfield
Nature’s Path Foods
Krone Construction
Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors
$2,500 +
Lance and Katy Leffel
David and Vicki Mobley
Rick and Ellen Orthwein
Bridgeway Church
Alice R. Pattillo
Alan and Deborah Loeffler
Gary and Frances Patton
St. Lukes Methodist Church Women in Faith
Mosaic Church Programming Endowment Fund
The Kerr Foundation, Inc.
Jon Trudgeon
Roy and Susan Frazier
Kirk and Drue Washburn
Bank of Oklahoma
Cory and Kendall Christofferson
Conner & Winters, LLP
Shawn Braden
John and Marsha Funk
Lauren Hampton
Tom and Cindy Krone
John and Karen Hudgens
Andrew Moore
Thomas Harkins
Thomas Daniel
$1,500 +
Jerry Thompson
Allen and Sherron Evans
Choctaw Road Baptist Church
Continental Resources
D.A. Davidson
Marsh and Debbie Pitman
Ken and Traci Grant
Rebekah Ingraham
Love Family Affiliated Fund
McAfee & Taft
Chris and Mary Nichols
Oklahoma City Thunder
Natasha Riley
SK Shemore and Associates, LLC
Frank and Nadine Wilkerson
Perry New
Jim and Teresa Coffman
Church of the Servant United Methodist Church
The Gathering United Methodist Church
Phyllis Armstrong
William Cook
Gabcare Foundation
John and Janet Hudson
Prestige Custom Homes
Peter and Terry Weaver
Jamie and Shea Adamson
TJ and MKayla Nance
Robert E and Viola M Wild Fund
Linda Anderson
Dave and Janet Ranek
Close Ties Sunday School Class, St. Luke’s Methodist Church
Jack and Ann Thompson
$500 +
Chapel Hill United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women
David and Barbara Cressman
David Noel
David and Janet Battles
Rita Dearmon
Escobar Charitable Foundation
GB and Vicki Carter
Greg Chansolme
Julie Guilford
Eugene and Nan Hauser
Mary Holdrege
Richard and Patricia Hudson
Janice Hixson
Jeffrey Bull
Jerry Gautreaux
Jones United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women
Kristina McKnight
James and Marcia Massey
Rubin and Ann Millerborg
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
O.K. Detrick Foundation Fund
Oklahoma City Lions Northwest OKC Lions Club
Quail Springs United Methodist Church
Quinlan United Methodist Church
Shirley Rolston
Circles Class, St. Luke’s Methodist Church
Barbara Steinberg
Marcia Walker
Whitebead Methodist Church
Sue Morrison
Mark and Ellen Pogemiller
Putnam City United Methodist Church
Sunny Lane United Methodist Church
Geary United Women in Faith
Jennifer Walker
Randy and Nancy Dunn
Tornado Alley Seahawkers Booster Club
Ray and Sarah Rivera
Andrew Morris
Richard Craig
Elizabeth Pickens
David Noel
Glen and Brigette Gean
Travis Brown
Clifton Lees
David and Susan Humphrey
Tracy and Verna Wilson
Barbara Bunce
JM Unlimited, LLC
Steve Davis and Mary Lane
Kim Parris
Village United Methodist Church
Robin Eubank
Elizabeth Moser
Dillon and Amy Curran
Tommy French
Hugh Piatt
Dana Bryant
Patrick and Debbie Murnan
John and Ruth Ann Bell
Paul Stillwell
Jerry Thomason
Jacob and Jessica Jean
Don and Karla Bowen
Randall and Kathryn Coit
Jerry and Nancy Cotton
Deanna Cardenas
Eric and Sandy Eissenstat
Jon and Amy Fisher
Tom and Sheri French
Willis Hauser
Mark Hill
Charles and Sharon Johnson
Mark and Gayla Kelly
Burrel and JoAnn McNaught
Mona Sage
Ric and Jennie Penner
Rebecca Tackett
Judd and Claudia Schrader
Diann Schwerdtfeger
George and Margaret Selby
Mark and Kathy Sewell
Loretta Webber
Family and Fellowship Class, Chapel Hill United Methodist Church
Heartland District, Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church
Jimette R. McLean
Ben and Sarah Pitman
Jasco Products Company
Stephen and Michelle Cargill
Sidney Dunagan
Bob and Jill Fant
Sunny Lane United Methodist Church
Mahone Family Foundation
Vince and Marilyn Robison
Oklahoma City First United Methodist Church
Mooreland First United Methodist Church
Susan Robinson
Jennie Mook
Tonya Magnus
MarEllen Benson
Carlton and Ann Bryan